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3 Dangerous Side-Effects of Snoring

Man Sleeping In His Bed And Snoring

Snoring can cause problems like a sore throat, waking yourself up from the noise, and starting fights with your loved ones because you’re sleep deprived. You may snore because of having a cold or allergies, or even if you’ve had a couple of alcoholic drinks before bed. But snoring may be a sign of a… Continue reading

5 Surprising Things That Can Increase Your Cavity Risk

Smiling happy beautiful woman

Hear what our dental team has to say about determining your risk for tooth decay. Your Coffee Addiction Sipping a caffeinated drink may be your typical afternoon pick-me-up. If there’s sweetener in your beverage, however, it will steadily erode your enamel and lead to decay. Snoring If your mouth is even temporarily dried out for… Continue reading

Does Your Mouthguard Really Have to Be Professionally Made?

Isolated Mouthguard

No, it doesn’t. Technically speaking, you can choose to wear any kind of mouthguard you want. There is no hard-and-fast rule. Whether you need either a sports guard or a guard to prevent teeth grinding in your sleep, there are options galore. You can find all kinds online and in drugstores in addition to the… Continue reading

Signs You May Suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Snoring man Couple in bed

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is a common condition in which the throat temporarily closes during sleep, preventing oxygen from reaching the lungs. OSA is a serious problem since it deprives the brain of oxygen and disrupts the sleep cycle. Do you suffer from sleep apnea? Here are some signs that you or your sleeping partner… Continue reading

4 Things to Consider Before You Get Dentures

Smiling middle aged couple

It can be expensive to keep repairing your natural teeth. The idea of having them extracted and replaced with dentures is starting to sound nice. Before you start begging your restorative dentist for a set of dentures, however, you should consider a few important facts. You Can’t Chew as Well Most adults can bite with… Continue reading

Professional Dental Cleanings – Essential to Your Health

Young people smiling

Many people think a dental cleaning is just something you get to spruce up, like a haircut or facial. Did you know, however, that professional cleanings do more than just make your teeth look brighter? They also have health benefits. What Happens in a Dental Cleaning A teeth cleaning involves removing soft and hard deposits… Continue reading

Why Dental Care Is Essential to Child Health

Portrait Of Two Young Girls

Here at Elegant Smiles, our mission is to ensure that everyone we care for has the best dental health possible. And we’ve got a special place in our heart for our smallest patients! Why is dental care so important to the health of your kids? Healthy Smile, Healthy Body Pediatric dentistry isn’t just about curing… Continue reading

Why Whiten? 5 Reasons to Think About Bleaching Your Teeth

Two Women Friends Laughing

A healthy smile is a beautiful smile. Teeth naturally come in a variety of shades, so even naturally yellowish teeth can be perfectly healthy. Teeth bleaching may not be a required part of your dental health. Still, there are a few reasons you should consider lightening your dark tooth color. You can take years off… Continue reading

Time Flies (Does Your Smile Show It?)

smiling young man at home

As we ring in the new year, it’s natural to begin reviewing and revisiting the actions and choices you made last year. There are things you are proud of and things you wish you had a second chance to do again. Where do you rank your dental care in that list? Have you even thought… Continue reading

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1875 Old Alabama Rd., Ste. 130
Roswell, GA 30076

Opening Hours

Monday - Thursday 8am - 5pm & Friday 8am - 2pm

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